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A Tricolour Of Tradition

The Hungarian Flag: A Symbol of National Pride

A Tricolour of Tradition

The Hungarian flag, known as the Magyarország zászlaja, is a horizontal tricolour of red, white, and green. Its distinct design has been the official flag of Hungary since its adoption on October 12, 1957.

Horizontal Stripes of Meaning

The three horizontal stripes of the flag hold significant symbolic meaning. Red represents the blood shed by Hungarian patriots throughout history, while white symbolizes purity and the Danube River. Green represents the country's fertile plains and the hope for a prosperous future. The width-to-length ratio of the flag is 2 to 3, giving it a distinctive rectangular shape.

A Historic Symbol

The tricolour flag first appeared in its current form during the 1848 Hungarian Revolution. It became the official flag of the Hungarian People's Republic in 1949, and its design remained unchanged after the country's transition to a democratic republic in 1989.


The Hungarian flag is a powerful symbol of national identity and pride. Its vibrant colours and meaningful stripes evoke a sense of patriotism and unity among Hungarians. As it continues to fly high, the flag represents the country's rich history, its enduring spirit, and its aspirations for a bright future.
